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GeigerBTC – Driving Growth 2.0 Conference

Published: February 13, 2020

January 2020

GeigerBTC Driving Growth 2.0 Conference

January 23rd 2020.

GeigerBTC held their annual conference at the Novotel Hotel at Heathrow. Attending for the first time were the Pink Team from our York office and the newly acquired Orange Team from our North London office. 

A very informative morning was had by all, hearing presentations from Heads of Departments and Business Units, who reviewed the past year and identified their goals for 2020. 

This was followed after lunch by a productive brainstorming session where staff shared thoughts and ideas on how to improve the business. All ideas were recorded, ready to be implemented or explored further. 

The day closed with a supplier ‘speed-dating’ session, an excellent opportunity for all teams to meet over ten suppliers and see some new and exciting promotional merchandise ideas for the year ahead. The teams were very pleased to see many more options in sustainable, biodegradable, recyclable and reusable branded products as well as great initiatives in eco packaging. 

Bring on 2020!

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