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Hand Sanitiser Stand

Published: April 7, 2020

Hand sanitiser gel – a key commodity

Hand sanitiser units 

We have been working with our supply chain to very high ethical standards, all the way down the line. 

GeigerBTC are still open for business. During this time, we will be continuing to support businesses and help ensure your requirements are met efficiently and safely. 

As we supply products for organisations with key workers, our factory has also remained open during this period to ensure the supply of essential goods can be maintained. However, we are adhering to government guidelines to ensure that our workplace remains a safe environment for all members of our team. 

Stand Sanitiser is the ideal choice to help your teams and your customers stay safe and protected.

  • Touch-free dispensing.
  • Recommended for shop entrances, educational establishments, sporting venues and all public places.
  • Drip catcher keeps floors and sink areas clean.
  • Wall-mounted or freestanding station options (push action). 

Our aim is to offer high quality, safe and compliant hand sanitiser gel and PPE products at the best market price possible.
Please get in touch at [email protected] if we can help in any way.

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