Many of us have become more familiar with our pets as a result of working from home during lockdown, and many pets have been introduced to colleagues and customers by impromptu appearances on zoom calls.

The companionship of pets is now considered a significant aspect of workplace wellness. With April being stress awareness month, we’re recognising the impact that pets have in helping employees maintain work life balance and a positive work experience. A growing phenomena is the ‘bring your dog to work day”. As we all begin to return to more conventional working practices, workplace wellness is tipped to become a new trending topic and any employer who recognises the importance and value of domestic companions will be equally appreciated by employees.
Creative gift ideas are our speciality and ideas for workplace wellness are one of the current trends. Our teams have access to thousands of stock products and can design bespoke ideas too, providing customers with the freshest ideas in promo.
If you have a brief, give us the challenge and let’s see how we can surprise and delight you and your customers.