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Top 10 Wellness ideas in 2023

Published: January 5, 2023

Looking after ourselves, our colleagues and contacts has taken on greater prominence during and after the pandemic period and now more than ever businesses are recognising the value in helping to encourage employees to take steps to protect their mental and physical wellbeing.

Whether it’s employing practices to help establish better work life balance, using tools to simplify tasks or motivating each other to move more and benefit from a more active lifestyle, there are lots of ways that employee wellness and welfare can be interpreted, promoted and lots of ways branded products can be used to help promote wellbeing.

Here are just some of the ideas that can be supplied individually our as part of a merchandise pack / collection, decorated with your brand or campaign message.

  • The Wellness Journal
  • The Desk Timer
  • The Workplace Wellness pack
  • The hydrating water-bottle
  • Healthy Snack Bars
  • A Relaxing Scented Candle
  • A Fitbit fitness tracker
  • A ‘better sleep’ kit
  • A ‘be good to yourself’ treat
  • Desktop botanicals

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