Published: April 30, 2024

Check out our Pride brochure full of bright ideas from delicious sweet treats to office items, as well as many outdoor event essentials including wristbands, lanyards and fans, ideal for office celebrations and event sponsorship.

There are lots of sustainable options in our range too! And with so many products offering large print areas and full colour print, promotional merchandise is a perfect way of communicating your messages and promoting your brand!

Geiger acquires WER GmBH

Geiger strengthens global presence with the acquisition of WER GmbH Lewiston, Maine, USA – July 11, 2024 – Geiger is pleased to announce the acquisition

Geiger Premium Brands Offer

DUAL BRANDED MERCHANDISE At Geiger, we offer a fantastic range of high-end products from renowned brands that can be co-branded with your logo, including Chilly’s,